Boosting $GLP Yield by 195%

and almost completely risk-free

With our looping mechanism, you can leverage your GMD Delta-Neutral Vault mechanisms with very minimal risks, and get 195% of the $GLP yield. Here is how we enable that:

We will assume we are generating roughly 20% in average annual yield on GMD Delta-Neutral Vaults. The borrowing interest fees will be set at 80% that of the Vault yield.

Lending mechanism details:

You can deposit gmdTOKENS and withdraw 80% of your collateral value. For example:

  • If you deposit 1,000 gmdUSDC at $1 per gmdUSDC, you can borrow, at most, 800 USDC.

  • You can then stake this 800 USDC into our delta-neutral vault to get 800 gmdUSDC tokens, which you can then deposit into the lending mechanism to get 640 USDC

  • And you can keep doing that until you cannot anymore.

Using that looping mechanism, and taking into account the $GLP's 0.5% converting fees, the total looping amount will look as follow if we start with a $1000 initial deposit:

The total borrowed amounts will be as follow:

The total yield from the original $1000 deposit:


  • By looping your original position 20 times, you can borrow almost 4 times your initial deposit and almost DOUBLE your original GLP Yield.

  • As such, our products enable users to safely stake USDC while getting 195% of the usual stable $GLP yield, while also only being exposed to minimal risks

Last updated